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Line Stripers: Low Cost Construction Businesses That Don't Require Big Investments

Starting a new construction business can feel daunting. The investment, the equipment, hiring labor, marketing - it adds up. We've prepared a series of low-cost construction businesses that you can start next week. Some require a bit more experience than others but with a little training, you can be on your way. The first business in our series we explored is line striping.

Line Striping (parking lots, asphalt, warehouse floors, airports)

Line Striping involves painting lines on surfaces, typically for defining a space or

making an important area. Equipment involves a line striper, paint, and appropriate stencils for the job. You may require a spray gun as well for applying paint the stencils, however most line stripers come with a stencil gun.

Is a striping business profitable?

Yes! If you put a lot of effort up front into selling your services, oftentimes simple referrals and word of mouth will start to come in. After the initial cost of equipment, maintaining your business is relatively low cost, leaving plenty of room for profits.

How much money can you make striping?

Operating a parking lot painting business 5 days a week can easily reward you $100,000+ per year in sales with a single owner/operator. As your crews grow, profits will increase.

How to become a line striper?

Line Striping begins with learning to operate line striping equipment. You can practice in our facility or simply on cardboard. Once you start to feel comfortable with the equipment, offer your free services at a local church or non-profit to get practice. Not only will they become a great referral source, but can be added to your portfolio.

What do I need for line striping?

Line Striping equipment is relatively simple. Getting a good machine is the first step, followed by paint, stencils and other accessories. Accessories may include laser pointer, second spray gun, side striper, or spray tips. Here are some things to consider when choosing a machine.

Choose a Drive style 
  1. Clutch Driven Line Stripers can produce about 0.92 GPM. These are great entry level stripers designed for sports turf managers and maintenance personnel that need a high pressure sprayer for smaller jobs that apply materials to pavement, grass or turf.
  2. Sealed hydraulic Line Stripers can produce anywhere from 0.75 GPM - 1.25 GPM. These stripers are gas powered, offering a higher pressure, ideal for more demanding jobs like concrete or large fields and pavement.
  3. Hydraulic-powered Line Stripers are the highest pressure in our PowrLiner Series, giving 1.25 - 2.50 GPM. Hydraulic machines are perfect for medium and large projects that require a fast turnaround time. 

Determine Flow Rate  - Depending on the volume of work you intend to do and the type of jobs you're looking for, choose from .33 to 2.50 GPM (Gallons Per Minute). Different pavement markers and stripers offer different output based on their predefined application needs.

Keep an eye out for future posts about other low-cost construction businesses. If you're unsure which business is right for you. Give our experienced team a call and we can point you in the right direction. 330-720-2966

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